Live-changing neurological trauma requires top-notch service. Our goal was to research the medical service provided by Neurorehab Centers in Umeä and Stockholm, Sweden. Two person design team developed motivational and inspirational tools for patients.
We’ve interviewed & observed all actors of the system at both locations, starting from patients, their families and personal assistants to physical therapists and Rehabilitation Center staff. Following video summarizes the stories collected during the research.

Patients Journey
The customer journey mapping revealed a repetitive pattern of unresolved problems and gaps, which happen right after the Rehabilitation Center. Return home from the Rehab “bubble” and getting reintroduced into the society became our focus.
Target Audience
Two personas were outline during the research: one for people who are in their early stages of the diagnoses and one for people who physically display signs of disability. Both have very different societal challenges.

Design Proposal
We’ve learned that services touch points that follow rehabilitation have the biggest impact. It starts with MyDay Activity, where a patient is connected with Alumnus based on a shared hobby or interest. Later, upon graduation, patients receive a set of cards with challenges for mind, body and community. They guide and support patients’ family, friends and Personal Assistants in their everyday activities. Cards with increasing levels of difficulty are continuously mailed to patients, which keeps them engaged in their recovery. Highest difficulty challenges are rewarded at the Annual Event with a valuable prize or trip.
These services are organized by the Alumni Connections network. This organization aims to connect & empower the rehabilitation alumnus across the country. Alumni Connections members become an active link between the rehab center and patients and support each other. It is a meeting point for people with similar goals, interest as well as a place for workforce training. Alumni Connections Funding can be provided in forms of public/private donations, grants from foundations, fundraising events and job board fees. The final design proposal was refined through 3 rounds of validation with the end users.