What is your future conference call going to be like?

Theme parks are the place for children to relive fairy tale stories, and now more than ever before, content stakeholders are looking for new ways to (more…)
Being both a student and a teacher simultaneously gives you a lot of benefits. One of them is that you start seeing your students’ work and productivity from the teacher’s perspective. It makes you reconsider and improve your own studying approach. (more…)
There are two traditional ways to do the corners. In the first one you make an easier cut that’s why its called a “beginner corner”.
You will need a ruler and a bone. First, mark the future crease from the inside. Then, keeping the ruler in the same place, start (more…)
Have you noticed how rolled paper towels never rip straight down, like you want them to? Ever wondered why?
Correct! Because of the way fibers are aligned in the paper. You can imagine that checking for the fibers in the paper or even cardboard for book covers is extremely important. If done correctly, the fibers will help the book stay flat and will fold easily. If done incorrectly, the fibers in the book may bow or warp it. (more…)
Public library, downtown Seattle.